Tuesday, March 10, 2020

The Corona Virus could create a Severe Recession

Last month, I opined that, a severe coronavirus pandemic could tilt the global economy into recession and that therefore, it would be favorable for US Treasuries. Over the last twelve months, the long-term Treasury ETF (TLT) is up 30% and year-to-date 13%. By comparison, the S&P 500 Index is up 6% over the last twelve months, and is down 8% in 2020. US Treasuries remain inexpensive compared to European sovereign bonds and they are a great hedge against a further stock market decline. Near-term, Treasuries are very overbought but I continue to hold them because of my belief that the Coronavirus will tilt the global economy into a serious deflationary recession/depression.

In recent reports I have explained that I was reducing my equity exposure to around 20% of assets and increasing my cash holdings. I want to warn my readers not to be complacent. If the Coronavirus is going to be as bad as I believe it will be, I would not be surprised if all asset prices declined.

Most importantly, I suspect that the Coronavirus could be the event that pricks the monetary-inflationary credit bubble for good, depresses all asset prices, leads to severe economic hardship, and destroys central bankers.

Lastly, remember the words of the late Leon Levy: 
“For most people, the most dangerous self-delusion is that even a falling market will not affect their stocks, which they bought out of a canny understanding of value.”

via gloomboomdoom

Monday, March 2, 2020

QE Infinity - Marc Faber interview in 2020

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